- Initiate, coordinate and implement student support work at school so as to understand and take care of students with different education needs.
- Facilitate learning and personal growth of SEN students to create a caring and inclusive culture with Whole School Approach and cross-disciplinary 3-tier Support Model.
- Integrate resources and reinforce communication between teachers so as to assist teachers in curriculum adaptation and teaching strategies and to plan learning activities and experiences that fit students’ interests, abilities and needs.
- Establish a communication channel with parents on a regular basis and determine suitable supporting strategies through home-school cooperation.
Aim and Purpose

Professional Support
1. School-based Educational Psychology Service
School-based Educational Psychologist assesses and prepares assessment reports for suspicious SEN students to give advice on learning methods and strategies. Also, students who are assessed to have special education needs will be given homework and assessment adaptation by Educational Psychologist in accordance with students’ individual circumstances. Meanwhile, School-based Educational Psychologist consults teachers and parents and lead teachers’ professional development and give parents’ workshop. Please contact Ms Y. Y. Lo from Student Support Group if you would like to make an appointment with our School-based Educational Psychologist.
2. School-based Speech Therapy Service
School-based Speech Therapist assesses and diagnoses students with speech impairment. With the help of home training, Speech Therapist improves students’ linguistic abilities and communication skills through individual and group training and activities. Speech Therapist also work with Chinese teachers in terms of teaching and gives workshops to our teachers and parents. Please contact Ms Y. Y. Lo from Student Support Group if you would like to make an appointment with our School-based Speech Therapist.
Internal and External Support
1. Whole School Student Support Service
With personal portfolios for SEN students, class teachers, subject teachers, supporting teachers and Education Psychologist would adapt and counsel students according to students’ education needs which could improve students’ confidence, social skills and learning efficiency.
2. Early Identification and Intervention Programme for Primary One Students with Learning Difficulties
After observing P. 1 students’ learning progress, teachers refer students who need follow-up action to School-based Educational Psychologist according to their performance in order to early identify the degree and support SEN students needed and to improve P. 1 students’ learning efficiency through counselling.
3. Training Group Support
We dedicate our resources to different training groups for students according to their SEN types to strengthen their learning efficiency, social communication skills and executive functioning etc.
4. After-school Homework Tutorial Classes
We coordinate School-based After-school Learning and Support Programmes funded by the Education Bureau and “After-school Homework Tutuorial Classes” cofounded by The C & M Alliance Wah Kee Church for underprivileged students and students in need to join homework tutorial classes, interest classes and growth activities. Also, we open Happy Learning Group with LinkAges Lam Ki Yip Centre, Aberdeen Kaifong Welfare Association to help them with their homework. We also have self-financed homework tutorial classes for students who need homework guidance and childcare service.

Non-Chinese Speaking Student Support
For better immersion of school life, understanding of Chinese culture and support in Chinese learning, we have Education Assistants offering “Chinese Learning Classes” for Non-Chinese Speaking Students to help them with Chinese basic knowledge and Chinese culture via activities which would help them to adapt to school life and local culture.