Learning Objectives

  1. Cultivate listening, speaking and reading ability and self-learning ability.
  2. Reinforce subject and cultural knowledge.
  3. Raise learning interests and nurture good habit and attitude to learn.

Characteristics of Curriculum

  1. Adjust class content according to students’ abilities and choose suitable supplementary materials such as tongue twister, children’s songs, poems, stories and animation to raise students’ learning interests and efficiency for teaching and learning.
  2. We are committed to creating an authentic Putonghua environment.
    1. On Putonghua Day every Thursday, announcements are made in Putonghua. Putonghua songs, stories and Putonghua games are played to increase students’ exposure to Putonghua.
    2. Students would guide fellows through tongue twisters and tablet activities to gain more opportunities to speak Putonghua via the “Putonghua Ambassador” training.
    3. P. 5 and P. 6 students would be our “Putonghua Ambassador” to have guided reading and games as part of their exchange activities with students from international school regularly.